Friends and Family,

I had the honor of being interviewed for Lung Cancer Canada’s annual Evening of Hope. The full-length version of that video was turned into a podcast, which I think turned out well.

Ottawa Hospital oncologist Dr. Paul Wheatley-Price interviewed me about the evolution of lung cancer treatment over the past seventeen years, maintaining hope through treatment failures, the difference between surviving and thriving, challenges for caregivers, and other topics. The interview is heartfelt, vulnerable, and optimistic. Most people who read my blog should find this worth the listen.

You can access the interview wherever you get your podcasts (Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Spotify, etc.). Just search for “Lung Cancer Voices” and then select A Special Interview with Dann Wonser (2023 Evening of Hope) dated November 14th. While you’re there, check out their other podcasts.

Or if you prefer, just follow this link:

I’d love to hear what you think of it.



This post originally appeared  November 29, 2023, on Dann’s Cancer Chronicles. It is republished with permission.