By Stephanie Kauffman, MRA President & COO

Though the summer is officially over according to the calendar, the sun’s harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays never take a break. Fall serves as an important time to remember and emphasize the importance of protecting our skin year round. As part of our commitment to spreading awareness and supporting melanoma research, we are excited to share the inspiring story of Lois Robbins, the founder and designer of WATSKIN, a brand dedicated to stylish and effective sun protection.

A Lifestyle-Changing Skin Cancer Diagnosis

In 2018, during a routine visit, Lois’ dermatologist found a squamous cell carcinoma above her lip. Moving forward, her dermatologist advised that she stay out of the sun and keep her skin covered to avoid further UV damage. As someone who cherishes the outdoors and loves dressing fashionably, this directive was disheartening. Lois’ inner voice screamed in protest, but she knew she had to take this seriously.

Lois then embarked on a quest to find fashionable clothing that would provide the necessary sun protection. However, she was unable to find anything in the marketplace that suited her style. “That’s when I decided to make something myself,” she said.

Innovation in the Face of Adversity

Lois sourced UPF fabric and enlisted the help of a talented friend who owned a sewing machine. Together, they designed and crafted a catsuit with a matching skirt.

This new sun-protective ensemble became her go-to outfit, and Lois wore it everywhere. To Lois’ surprise, women frequently approached her, eager to know where they could purchase a similar piece. She realized that there was significant demand for fashionable, protective sun wear. That’s when her brand WATSKIN was born.

Inspired by her love for water and nature, the name WATSKIN symbolizes the harmony between water and skin. At WATSKIN, Lois and her team are committed to providing stylish sun wear that empowers women to enjoy the outdoors confidently and safely, without compromising on style, elegance, or safety.

Supporting Melanoma Research

When launching the WATKIN brand, giving back to melanoma research was paramount to Lois, a noted cancer research philanthropist. Since 2022, WATSKIN has been a proud partner to the Melanoma Research Alliance.

Lois’ story reminds us of the importance of sun protection and the power of innovation in the face of adversity. WATSKIN not only offers stylish and effective sun wear but also supports critical melanoma research, making a meaningful impact on the fight against skin cancer. Join us in honoring Lois’ journey and the mission of the Melanoma Research Alliance—together, we can enjoy the sun safely and stylishly while supporting lifesaving research.

This post was originally published September 12, 2024, by the Melanoma Research Alliance. It is republished with permission.