You are enough.

My g-d, you’re enough.

More than enough! Overflowing. To the brim. Overfilling. Running over.

But only if enough.

You are enough.

The good word from the still, small


All of us are are more than enough

And we have more than enough

If we just learned how to get it all spread around, because, if you haven’t heard:

You are enough.

and folk who don’t have enough? They’re being robbed of the fundamental rule that threads us all together: You are enough.

Let all the people have enough!

Sometimes we do the spreading and sometimes we need the filling

But empty or full, you’re enough.

So spread it around when it comes your way.

Some will say stop taking from mine because I want more than more than enough.

Hate to tell ya, friend, when it comes to more than enough, you are enough, and so, you may need to share some of your more than enough until everyone’s empty gets filled up. Those are the breaks. I sure didn’t make the rules, but I do try to follow them.

You think you deserve that more than enough, do ya? And someone else is the coaster, and all they get is to soak in the droplets of your cold condensation in the heat of injustice?

I’m sorry, friend. The rule is you’re enough.

The rule isn’t that somebody is owed more than that. It just seems plain sense to me that everybody ought to have enough before we start taking ownership of more than that volume.

There’s no natural order ordained by the Holy One Themself to fix hierarchies in the fabric of material reality with kings and priests and Wall Street. No, the Ruler of the Cosmos said y’all are made in my image. Then that Big Mystery in the Sky killed us all in a flood and started again.

Hell, that’s just like me, ain’t it? ‘Suppose we are made in that same image. Creatin’ and killin’. Lovin’ and hatin’. Making rules and breakin‘em.

No, the good LORD above said in our likeness we created them. So like it or not, we all are due the respect of a g-d, and I worry that some of y’all forget this now and again. I mean, who am I to place blame, my givin’ and takin’ scales ain’t always balanced. But I did hear this once from a theologian I took a likin’ to: Obery Hendricks Jr.

“Treat other people’s needs as holy.” That’s what he said.

That’s a good one.

I can’t think of much more holy, much more g-d’s image than everybody feeling their enough from their tippy toes to graying hairs.

And yet, I also know it’s hard to feel most days that you are enough.

That’s okay. I don’t think I am enough, either.

Boy, I sure do get mad at myself sometimes. Hootin’ and hollerin’. Cursin’ up a storm, like I do every now and again. But I’ll tell ya this: The more I remember that I’m enough, the more apt I am to be thinking of others.

You are enough.

I can’t convince you to spread all that more than enough around, and I can’t force anyone to accept it, but if we could just remember that all of us are enough, then we realize the care we have for each other is like energy. We can’t make more, and we can’t take it away; energy only balances the forces.

The force is called enough, and all we need to do is balance it out until we shape our world into respecting one of its fundamental rules. I think you know it by now:

You are enough.

Smash a glass. Toast a friend. Raise a fist. Accept embrace. You are enough. Get out there and spread it around. Don’t make a damn bit of sense to hoard it up. Whatever is your more than enough, somebody else sure could use a dose of it.

Now that’s all I can do, friend. It’s closing time, and I still gotta pull the mats and mop the floor. Your job is to figure out what’s overflowing your cup. That way you can spread it around. I don’t know what it is, but I know you have enough, and I know it’ll feel real good to share it.

xx. <3 -a.

This blog post was published by Glioblastology on August 28, 2024. It is republished with permission.