My December PSA results came back just as predicted by my spreadsheet’s silly little trendline: 0.10 ng/ml.
The bad news is that it keeps climbing; the good news is that the doubling rate appears to be about 16 months. My follow-up appointment with my doctor is 19 December 2017 where we’ll probably agree to continue to monitor every 3-4 months for the time being.
Interestingly, from an emotional perspective, this has been pretty much a non-event for me. I’ve resigned myself to the fact that the likely explanation for the increasing PSA is the return of the cancer, so at this point, it’s only confirmation of something that I already suspect/accept/know.
That’s it for now. I’m sure I’ll have more thoughts in this month’s regular post on 11 December.
This blog post originally appeared on Dan’s Journey through Prostate Cancer. It is reprinted with permission.