Lisa C. Richardson, MD, MPH, is director of the CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control.
Do you ever find yourself wondering what is right for you when it comes to breast cancer screening or treatment? Having the right information about prevention, screening, and treatment for breast cancer can help you decide what’s best for you.
As we observe Breast Cancer Awareness Month, I want to highlight how promoting the right tools not only gets the word out about breast cancer, but also empowers you in making the best decisions for your health.
As the director of CDC’s Division of Cancer Prevention and Control, I’m committed to leading ongoing efforts to educate people about breast cancer, available screening tests, treatment after a diagnosis, and health outcomes for survivors. Over the past year, CDC has expanded its reach with many resources to help people learn about breast cancer.
- The Bring Your Brave campaign provides information about breast cancer to women younger than 45 and shares real stories from young women affected by breast cancer. Two new videos focus on being diagnosed with breast cancer at a young age, testing positive for BRCA2 mutation, and making the difficult decisions that follow.
- A digital billboard ads in New York’s Times Square featuring the Bring Your Brave campaign spread the word about breast cancer risk in young women. The ads run in the summer and fall of 2018.
- Talk to Someone: Triple Negative Breast Cancer is an interactive educational tool featuring Linda, a virtual coach that you can speak with and ask questions about breast cancer.
- Your Health video featuring Joan Lunden discusses her experience with breast cancer and encourages breast cancer patients to work with their doctors to find the right treatment plan.
- Screen Out Cancer provides proven strategies to help health systems increase breast cancer screening, reduce costs, and improve the quality of care provided. These strategies include sending reminders to patients and doctors; offering alternative office hours, mobile clinics, or transportation; and providing feedback on screening services.
- United States Cancer Statistics: Data Visualizations Tool provides the latest cancer data, including full-color charts, graphs, and maps that help monitor cancer burden, trends, and progress in cancer control and prevention efforts.
- The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) provides screening and diagnostic services to low-income, uninsured, and underinsured women across the United States.
Many breast cancers can be found early and treated. Getting the right screening at the right time can make a difference for you. CDC will continue to provide information and tools that support breast cancer awareness. I encourage you to use our tools to help you be informed and be empowered.
This article was originally published on October 9, 2018, by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It is republished with permission.